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Political Wind Vane (joke)

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 6:53 am
by Bullseye
I thought I'd post this sight gag due to the current climate in our country these days.



Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 11:03 am
by Hakaman
You know what really makes me uneasy, is to think the dems might get re-elected in 2016.
If they do, it is very conceivable that they will win the 2020 election too, as most pres' get two terms.
No wonder why people get the doomsday attitude these days.

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 11:57 am
by Downeaster
Hakaman wrote:You know what really makes me uneasy, is to think the dems might get re-elected in 2016.
If they do, it is very conceivable that they will win the 2020 election too, as most pres' get two terms.
No wonder why people get the doomsday attitude these days.

Unless the Republicans pull their head out of their nether regions and field a viable candidate, it's a slam-dunk!

I try very hard not to think about the world my grandchildren will have to live in.

Posted: Sat Aug 10, 2013 4:06 pm
by ruger22
It's going to be very hard to get a viable candidate past the "gimme" group that gets all the handouts. Plus the bleeding heart Prius drivers with the "coexist" bumper stickers.

Voter turnout is terrible. The responsible working people have to get off their butt and vote next time. That includes the mid-terms in 2014. Conservative control of both sides of Congress would smooth things out for a good replacement in 2016.

A dozen large cities are well into bankruptcy. Detroit is bleeding to death in red ink. New York is planning to cut all their municipal employees to 29 hours, thanks to Nobama Nocare. The White House of cards is starting to fold, if people will just wake up.

Posted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 8:44 am
by greener
Bullseye, all good humor has some basis in fact.

I heard almost those exact words when I said that Benghazi was incompetently handled.

Haka, I'm waiting for Dear Leader to nullify the 22nd Amendment by executive order just before going off on an expensive golfing vacation. Why couldn't you guys get him to vacation in Detroit. Lots of great golf in the area, Great Lakes and it would be a heck of a boost to the economy.

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 6:21 am
by gcp
My cynical self says "Democrats vs. Republicans is the same as trying to decide between Pepsi and Coke". They are both Colas with very little substantive differences and they will both prove bad to your health. What we absolutely need to become healthy is water not Cola! Political parties love to have us fighting on the meaningless details, arguing one side vs. the other, while they both rake it in, especially the two party system we’ve mindlessly been following the past hundred or so years. Democracy and/or a republic, to remain viable, requires a thinking citizenry which we obviously have little of now days. We are due a correction.

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 8:19 am
by Hakaman
Haka, I'm waiting for Dear Leader to nullify the 22nd Amendment by executive order just before going off on an expensive golfing vacation. Why couldn't you guys get him to vacation in Detroit. Lots of great golf in the area, Great Lakes and it would be a heck of a boost to the economy.
It doesn't cost enough to entice the pres to come here. He needs to spend million$ before he goes on vacation. I saw the pres' golf swing yesterday, and could spend some money on lessons!