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Road Rage

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:09 pm
by KAZ
A blue truck was driving down a city street and had to stop for a slow turning vehicle. This angered a young man in a white mustang who passed and cut sharply in front of the blue truck. They somehow began a version of bumper cars ramming each other until they came to a rest on the median and the driver of the white mustang came out with a pistol. The driver(44 years old) of the blue truck produced his own pistol and shot the white mustang driver dead. The deceased white mustang's girlfriend said that the driver of the blue truck said "Your boyfriend shouldn't have pointed a gun at me" and sat on the curb waiting for police. This occurred four days ago and many of the deceased driver's family are unhappy that the blue truck driver was not arrested on the spot. The police have said that the incident is going before a Grand Jury. All I know is from news reports, but I appreciate the fact that you happen to win a fight doesn't make you automatically guilty, and am proud that the police are doing a proper investigation. We will see. Regards

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:28 pm
by blue68f100
Mine is not running at this time, and I'm a little older. With TX law allowing drivers to carry guns legally in cars, did they search the mustang and truck for medications? Maybe this will lower some of the road rage shooting that happen on the hwys, but I dought it. The sad thing if no bill, the truck driver legal battles are just starting.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:01 pm
by KAZ
We have no detail at this time as to if these were CCW guys or not, or if any substance was involved. This occurred mid afternoon. You are correct that handguns can be in vehicles with out CCW. I suspect that if the blue truck had been a felon or impaired he would have been hooked up on the spot. I'll be surprised if the Grand Jury doesn't indict and allow a jury to try. This will be big $$$ in any case, and you are correct that even if no criminal charges the civil thing will happen. Regards

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:07 pm
by Bullseye
The surviving driver may end up being charged with assault with a deadly weapon (the truck) for the bumping/ramming incident prior to the gunfight.


Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:19 pm
by KAZ
You're right Bullseye the vehicles were it seems ramming each other and are deadly weapons which is a fact lost on many who only want to discuss the firearms and why anyone would need to have a gun in a vehicle, and are focused on the police lack of an arrest as a failure of the system. The good news is that many interviewed believe in self defense, and fact gathering. Regards

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 8:21 pm
by Bullseye
Reckless endangerment may be one of the other charges, especially with a passenger in the car.


Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:16 pm
by KAZ
The passenger (girlfriend of deceased) was in the white mustang. She is the only witness to make a media statement and she said that the blue truck (winner of gun fight) said that "your boyfriend shouldn't have pointed a gun at me" which could be the only thing that perhaps makes the firearms part possible self defense. Regards

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:01 pm
by Hakaman
Both drivers are instigators of the road rage, which escalated into a gun fight. I think both are guilty of some serious crime. Of course one cannot be charged anymore. It's almost like the one provoked the first to pull his gun?

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:08 pm
by Yleefox
I know a guy personally, here in Florida who go involved in a road rage incident a number of years ago. He was driving a pickup, pulling a trailer, when he changed lanes and nearly hit a motorcyclist. When he arrived at the next traffic signal, he had to stop behind several vehicles waiting for the green. The biker, who was a big guy, climbed off his bike and proceeded to yell profanities, while beating the side of the pickup truck, putting a number of large dents in the sheetmetal. When the biker reach the door of the truck, he managed to jerk it open and reached in, grabbed the pickup driver and began dragging him out. The driver had a CCW permit, but did not have a gun with him at the time. Instead, fearing for his safety, he grabbed a fixed blade knife which had been lying on the seat beside him. As the biker dragged him out the doorway, he slashed him across the chest with the knife. The biker fell backward onto the pavement. The pickup driver then stabbed him in the chest/shoulder area.

The police sent the biker to the hospital to receive well over a hundred stitches and then arrested him. They arrest the driver of the pickup too. The pickup driver was convicted and did a year in jail. The reason? He would have been within his rights to self defense when he slashed the guy(who was very large) across the chest, but once he fell to the pavement, he wasn't considered to be any further threat, at least at that point. By stabbing him that one time, after the biker fell, he had passed the point of self-defense and was now the perp.

The moral of this story is that it is best to maintain a cool head and some common sense.

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:17 pm
by Hakaman
The moral of this story is that it is best to maintain a cool head and some common sense.
If we could only "always" listen to this advice, it would save us from all sort of trouble!

Re: Road Rage

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 1:23 am
by bgreenea3
KAZ wrote:A blue truck was driving down a city street and had to stop for a slow turning vehicle. This angered a young man in a white mustang who passed and cut sharply in front of the blue truck. They somehow began a version of bumper cars ramming each other until they came to a rest on the median and the driver of the white mustang came out with a pistol. The driver(44 years old) of the blue truck produced his own pistol and shot the white mustang driver dead. The deceased white mustang's girlfriend said that the driver of the blue truck said "Your boyfriend shouldn't have pointed a gun at me" and sat on the curb waiting for police. This occurred four days ago and many of the deceased driver's family are unhappy that the blue truck driver was not arrested on the spot. The police have said that the incident is going before a Grand Jury. All I know is from news reports, but I appreciate the fact that you happen to win a fight doesn't make you automatically guilty, and am proud that the police are doing a proper investigation. We will see. Regards
the actual shoot sounds like a good Self defence case. I'm guessing the ramming each other account was from the mustang driver's Girl, who is going to minimize thier involvement. IF there was a ramming of the Mustang by the Blue truck the police would have hooked up the blue truck guy for assault w/ a deadly weapon (the truck) or a similar type of crime. I'm guessing since no arrest was made the mustang driver was the rammer and the pick up driver the rammee.
Lets see...... crazy guy cuts off truck and rams truck over and over maybe slamming on brakes while in front. they end up crashing in the ditch mustang driver pulls gun pickup driver draws gun and drops mustang guy....... sounds like self defence to me

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:39 am
by bearandoldman
That is most likely the story little Greener, I would most likely jumped out of my white SUV and done the same thing. Have had people do the same thing to me when I try to be courteous to some one on the road that slows down. They get to the next light and there they are a foot or so in front, but I guess that makes them happy. Usually a sporty looking car or a bad-ass pickup. Since I normally carry, I have a different attitude than I used to years ago. Maybe just age or the fact that I do have a gun.

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:20 am
by KAZ
bgreen, I'll bet that you are spot on with your possible scenario. Of course some of our citizens are quick to point the gun fight survivor as the criminal, and the deceased as a pure victim. We will see and I'll let you guys know as this runs it's course. Regards

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:09 am
by bgreenea3
my bet would be if the Grand Jury comes back with no Probable cause, you won't hear another word on the case from the media.... it's just not news if the good guy wins

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:12 am
by bearandoldman
bgreenea3 wrote:my bet would be if the Grand Jury comes back with no Probable cause, you won't hear another word on the case from the media.... it's just not news if the good guy wins
Good news is not NEWS only baad news is NEWS. You cannot blow things out of proportion if things are good and honest.