Why am I receiving a banned notice when registering?

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Moderator: Bullseye

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Why am I receiving a banned notice when registering?

Post by Bullseye » Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:31 pm

If you've gotten this message please read the announcement I posted back in May 2009:
Bullseye wrote: To all forum members,

Recently I have received a few e-mails inquiring about being banned form the forum. I do not ban people from the forum, at least not without a really significant cause. I have not banned anyone from this forum since its inception in 2005. When I previously managed the Mark II.org and Mark III.org forums I only banned one person in all those years, and that person certainly deserved it. After repeated warnings, the person persisted in negative behaviors and was summarily banned from that forum.

This forum, unlike some of the other gun boards like it, believes in free speech. As long as one can be civil there's no reason a unpopular post can not be submitted. If I feel someone has crossed the line of civility, they will certainly hear from me via personal means. I will not just arbitrarily ban them because I don't agree with their opinion, nor would I delete their posts for disagreeing with their opinions as I have seen on other forums.

Which brings me to this statement - there have been some folks who are getting banned screens from Guntalk-Online upon attempting to log in to the forum. This is a free software package and I have a relatively limited, albeit crude, ability to discover why folks are turning up suddenly as banned. Sometimes I do ban e-mail providers who allow spammers to roam unchecked and refuse to take action against these persons. I have also banned IPs from some foreign countries that have Spamming as their national pastime. There could be some unintended cross issues of this type of banning, especially if your ISP changes IPs or uses a pool of random IPs for their users. If you are getting a "banned" screen upon signing in to Guntalk-Online please E-mail me and I will see if there's anything I can to to free up your username or e-mail provider.

I want everyone to have a good experience on this forum and banning folks does not promote this ideal.

I can override any "banning" issues for your email addresses, all I need to know is what username you wish to use on the forum. I will dialogue with you to ensure that you are a legitimate user at a valid email address requesting access to the Guntalk-Online forum. I do wish to see everyone who desires to have access to our forum have that request granted but I also have a responsibility to the membership to ensure that potentially harmful member requests are kept off of the access rolls.

Thank you for your patience and understanding,

