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Ammo $$ going UP

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 4:50 pm
by toyfj40
just posted: ... itary.html

ALL ammo prices: military, police & civilian may rise immediately.
remember, "scrap metal" goes to China... we no longer have "industry".

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:57 pm
by Bud33
This should get you thinking and spur you into action.
If we do not ban together, NOW, we will suffer the same fate as the people of England and Australia, among others, that are not to be able to protect ourselves when necessary.

If you own a gun, would like to own a gun, have thought about owning a gun, or just want to protect our second amendment rights, NOW IS THE TIME to act... Write your congress now and write them often. (detail are include in the above posted link), and while your at it, if you are not a member of the NRA think about JOINING ( I will be glad to provide help in getting applications). This organization is our best and strongest voice in Washington and the more members they have, the stronger they become.

With the help of our new administration, the gun control groups (The Brady Bunch) think they now have the upper hand.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:45 am
by greener
Excellent link. Made for some interesting early morning reading. I will probably write my Senators about this, but the two we have are going to vote the straight Obama line. Still, it may do some good for them to hear from one of their constituents.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:24 am
by Bud33
If enough people write their congressmen and say we want our second amendment rights protected!! and if you want my vote next election YOU WILL help protect them!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:44 am
by toyfj40
Good-News ... Bad-News...

I heard more on this later Sun evening...
NOT about THIS specific incident, but a generalized explanation...

(briefly, as I must go)
Since this appears (at the moment) to be directed at ONE MINOR
buyer of military-scrap-brass-metal...
IT COULD BE that he was buying "scrap" at "scrap prices"...
BUT USING IT AS SURPLUS... which is not permitted...
ie. you can buy that tank as scrap-iron, but cannot use it as a tank!!

So, I too, want to be certain this is NOT some liberal-administrative
loophole... but if one-buyer was avoiding the purpose of his
scrap-price and turning a profit by using it for re-loads...

1. the 'gov' should sell into a best market...
2. the buyer should be corrected
3. IF it is indeed a (initial test ) of a loophole... We need to respond.

more if I hear it...
-- toy

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 3:58 pm
by lucam
Well I sent my emails off.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 7:52 pm
by lucam ... geId=92095

Policy scrapped!

I never thought I'd say thank you to two democrats for saving me money on ammo.

Read the letter to the DoD here.

John Tester

Max Baucus

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:04 pm
by toyfj40
as lucam has posted, the "scrap range brass" issue
has taken a turn for the better...

I originally heard the issue on the Tom Gresham Sunday afternoon radio program
and the guest, Gordon Hutchinson, posted details on his blog
later Sunday afternoon, as my original post on this thread.

I just received this eMail from T.Gresham (I get his newsletter)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Truth Squad Victory!!
DOD rescinds its ban on selling brass.

"When they feel the heat, they see the light."
Congratulations to the most active, the most effective, and the fastest-moving gun rights group in the country -- the Gun Talk Truth Squad. Only 48 hours after I broke the news to the nation's gun owners about a stealth program to drive up ammo prices, you crushed this effort by the new administration.

Last Sunday (was it only three days ago?) on my radio show, I had as guests Gordon Hutchinson (author of "The Great New Orleans Gun Grab") and Larry Haynie, owner of Georgia Arms. They told the story about the U.S. Department of Defense changing its policy, and how ammo remanufacturers (reloaders) such as Georgia Arms would no longer be able to buy millions of rounds of fired brass from the government unless they agreed to shred the brass.

Of course, that would make it useless for reloading. This would mean millions of rounds a month would be taken off the market, driving the price of ammunition even higher than it now is. Also, Larry told us he would have to fire half of his 60 employees.

Gordon alerted me, and within hours we put it on Gun Talk radio, live all over the country. You got angry, and being the Truth Squad -- a follower of the "no shrug" doctrine -- you acted.

Emails, faxes, and calls went to the offices of every Senator and Representative on The Hill. Senators Tester and Baucus of Montana (both Democrats) contacted the Department of Defense on Tuesday, and within an hour, they had a reply that this new, ill-considered, policy had been rescinded. Only 48 hours after I broke the news to the nation's gun owners, you responded, and then THEY responded.

This, my friends, is what the Truth Squad is all about. It's about generating a massive, suffocating, instant flood of rational and reasonable demands that our constitutional right to keep and bear arms not be infringed. What you did was create a "what the heck is going on?" response on Capitol Hill.

What's next? A constant stream of "we are watching you" communications which tells all elected officials that we will not stand by and allow them to trade away any of our rights. They all need to see that an attack on gun rights is the third rail of politics, and we will do all we can to send them home to find other work if they support any such effort.

Stay tuned. As always, you'll hear about it first on Gun Talk Radio. No other outlet covers the entire country (regular radio stations, XM and Sirius satellite, and the podcasts) with the latest news on firearms and gun rights.

There WILL be more assaults on our rights. Many of them will come through agencies, where no recorded vote is necessary. Never make the mistake of thinking that we have won and can now relax. By their actions we know that they really ARE out to get us.

If you hear of anything like this, by all means, let me know so we can jump on it.

Great job, Truth Squad!!
Tom Gresham
a separate broadcast that I was not able to hear
( Lars Larson last hour 17-march, but NOT re-cast on my station)
mentioned that he had some details on the "scrap-range-brass" issue.
His "lead in" comment was to the effect that the 'Order to Scrap'
was following a directive that originated under G.Bush administration
to comply with some "international/export" agreements on "arms".
So... the claim is that they are clarifying that range-brass sale domestically
is not the issue.

So... they've back-tracked...
BUT, was it a "test" of our response ?
-- toy

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:31 pm
by SKnight
I don't know if it was a test, but they sure got the answer.

I snapped up a case of .223 to split with a friend, just in case. Oh yeah, it's reloadable.

Still, bastards.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:45 pm
by greener
Change you can believe in.

Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 11:00 pm
by Hakaman
Brownell's Web Bench
Ammunition also has seen an unprecedented run in four calibers: the .223 and .308 for your centerfire rifles, and .45 and 9mm for your pistols. There are only two real solutions we can recommend in a situation of ammo scarcity. They are:

1. Start reloading. Reloading is an economical and easy solution which keeps you in charge of your own ammunition supplies. Sinclair International just launched their new website which includes entry level specials and many components to get you back to the range, shooting. I would strongly suggest you consider reloading as a way to keep your ammo stocks full as well as those of your buddies who may be shooting the same caliber as you.
2. Purchase a .22 conversion. Most firearms and calibers in the market today have a .22 conversion available. The two most obvious benefits are the greater availability of rimfire ammunition and the much lower cost of shooting rimfire ammunition compared to shooting centerfire ammo. If you can't find the ammo you are looking for, seriously consider purchasing a .22 LR conversion. They are very fun to shoot and may be the only way to find ammunition in your area. (type "22 conversion" in the search window).

The silver lining in all of this is: there are thousands of new shooters out there now familiar with the AR15 and their voices are being heard in the market place and in D.C. It is very hard to guess which way the AR and Ammo market is heading. The inevitable fact is that manufacturers will eventually catch up with customer demand, but we do not anticipate this happening for some time.

So the solutions left on the table are to go without, wait in line or one of the suggestions above.