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Economy falling despite "good" news?

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:46 am
by ruger22
Things ARE getting worse, regardless of what the government/media try to feed us. One thing that should be really focused on are all the huge cuts in local and state payrolls come July first (new fiscal year). Teachers, cops, trashmen, you name it. The fallout from that will drop the economy for sure.

One article I've seen (wish I could remember where and post a link) points out how even Wal-Mart has cut to the bone. They are having to raise many prices and their "roll-backs" are getting smaller. Long run, their stock has nowhere to go but down and they will slide with it.

Small note for shooters, Wally-World's ammo has risen dramatically in the past six months and is just a tad cheaper than anyone else now.