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Said good riddance to the OTHER Ruger Forum (Long post)

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 2:18 pm
by ruger22
I dropped the .com Ruger Forum for having too many long nosed snobs who looked down on members who didn't have 100 guns, or four digit priced custom guns.

Now I made myself get Dishonorably Discharged from the .net Ruger Forum. Moderation has gotten too heavy handed and inconsistant there. Some folks get away with stuff, some don't. Some obscenity gets overlooked, some doesn't. Seems to depend on which moderator is "on duty", and which poster said what. I got tired of it all.

The final straw, a moderator that I like started a slightly suggestive thread about Anthony Weiner's new election campaign. Weiner is the Congressman who sent lewd photos to female staffers, sicko. I posted, in jest, that the other mods might delete the thread, except for it being his. And that got me banned, for the "snide remark" about the moderators. I knew it would. I've been racking up warnings for other trivial stuff.

With Bullseye's permission, I'd like to post my email to those mods today. I've asterisked a moderator's ID here. Some members there are also here (like Bullseye), and I'd like them to see it, whether they agree or not........

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No reply necessary. I wanted the DD, and expected it. It proved my point to the others.

If you read over the thread about Anthony Weiner's new campaign, less suggestive threads (and subject lines?) have been gone in minutes. I saw nothing terrible about it, just a bit risque. ***** has always seemed the most logical and fair of the mods, to my opinion (Thanks, *****, for not being so stiff) And HE started the thread. My "snide remark" was to *****, in humor, it ended with the rolling eyes smiley, not that anyone noticed.

On RF, we discussed many of the Amendments, including the 1st?. Over the years, I've seen RF slowly become comparable to DHS, or a convent, hard to tell.

RF posting is declining, due to many getting tired of walking on eggshells. I've been contacted by RF members through other gun forums, who agree they are tired of it. They don't trust PMs to actually be private. Or trivial matters to not get blown out of proportion. Posts have become as dull as a 2 X 4. Just cold facts, little unafraid opinion, jokes fit for Disney cartoons. Even the acronym "SHTF" has gotten some members warnings, but not others (?). That's exactly what's wrong.

Oh sure, you've got a drove of newbies, all excited to be on a Gun Forum! Wow! They'll tire of it too, and move on to other forums, if you don't DD all of them first.

In final fairness, I hope ALL the mods get to read this, that it's not "intercepted" by only one who might delete it to help preserve his sole interpretation of RF rules.

I'm saving a file of this, to share as necessary.
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If someone could, you are asked to copy and paste this whole post to the member Sightngrl, in a Private Message. She was my best supporter on, in posts and private messages. I have no other way to reach her. She'll see to it that certain other members get it, too. Thanks.

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 2:42 pm
by blue68f100
You know where I stand with RFC. Even one AH was giving BE a hard time. I left several years ago and have not been back. I had a lot of backers too..

I agree some moderators have there own agenda.

I was on one forum that uses software to look for key words in post. If it find one you get a warning. I got that when I referred to NO BS warranty and the BS set off the alarm for them. The system automatically sent me a warning then I responded to the email, it came to found out the moderators did not even read my post. Till I brought it to there attention then it was resolved. Since then I have seen more post like mine thinking that they adj there software.

GTO is the BEST run Forum I'm on. :D :D :D

I think it has a lot to do with the members here, mainly mature adults. I think BE screen members and he knows which members on other forms are causing issues.

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 3:16 pm
by Georgezilla
Generally, on forums other than GTO, the volume of elitism is very high. Elitism both in the sense of personalities and brand/model elitism. That's why I only read relevant information on other forums and, as of this posting, do not post on other firearm forums. Despite this forum's small size, the amount of knowledge on GTO is incredible. Every question I have ever posted here has been answered, so I do not feel the need to post on other forums.

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 5:20 pm
by Bullseye
I hear what you all are saying and agree whole-heartedly. I generally only post on the other firearms forums when someone genuinely needs help with solving a problem. When folks want to start arguing rather than discussing shooting I find other places to go. If you don't want my assistance then don't ask for it. I don't relinquish unsolicited assistance or advice. I have far too much firearms experience to waste it on folks bent on being counter productive.

You can lead a horse to water, but I refuse to kiss his butt and use him as a "Crazy Straw" to get him to drink! :shock:


Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 7:17 pm
by Hakaman
I think it has a lot to do with the members here, mainly mature adults.
For me, one out of two ain't bad!

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 7:53 pm
by ruger22
Each of the bad forums I've belonged to, or even frequented without joining, makes me appreciate GTO all the more. I just wish the ammo shortage would go away so we can all go shooting until we drop. Then the posts will pick up. You can hear crickets chirping in here........ :shock:

I would hope no one here could imagine me being banned from a forum. One of my infractions was using the acronym SHTF in a post. Wow, how terrible, right?

Another was posting about some Lett Custom grips that Bill Lett Jr. listed on eBay. They deleted my seller specific post, so I reposted and just said they were on eBay. I thought it would satisfy them if members had to search for the grips. No way, deleted, another infraction. He had a load of NOS grips he'd found in his attic, for all sorts of Rugers, even bird's head, and a few other gun makes. I got two nice sets for my Bearcats, but no one else did because the moderators wouldn't let me do the heads-up.

The silliest one was a response to a joke. I posted a badly doctored photo of a cat. It was wearing a black bikini, black high heels, and a spike collar. They really got their undies in a knot over that, and gave me a "final" warning. That's when I baited them about the one mod's thread being deleted by the other mods. Criticizing a mod in the least gets you the guillotine. Reminiscent of Henry VIII, or Hitler.

I saw other members go through similar abuse over trivial things. It was just too much.

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 10:42 pm
by blue68f100
Hakaman wrote:
I think it has a lot to do with the members here, mainly mature adults.
For me, one out of two ain't bad!
I guess I should have clarified. Mature adults acting like kids... :P

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 9:39 pm
by greener
blue68f100 wrote:
Hakaman wrote:
I think it has a lot to do with the members here, mainly mature adults.
For me, one out of two ain't bad!
I guess I should have clarified. Mature adults acting like kids... :P
I'm still trying to decide what I'm going to do when I grow up. :lol:

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 9:58 pm
by greener
I shoot for enjoyment and I hang around gun fora to learn and increase my enjoyment of the sport and maybe add something to someone else's enjoyment. It's also nice to be around folks who know much more than I do about the sport and firearms.

The rugerforum.*******'s seemed to have gotten a bit touchy over the past couple of years. Like some other folks, when I feel they are too touchy I don't show up.

Posted: Sun Aug 18, 2013 10:10 pm
by gcp
I too have had negative experiences in and so it's good to be around GTO's civil AR15 crowd. No doubt the above forums have a certain knowledge base but putting up with their pains is not worth what I get out of them. Bullseye does extremely well at striking the right balance but it's also the mature audience involved that makes this forum a wining combination!