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Backyard photos

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 6:21 pm
by charlesb
I went shooting today, but it was too windy so I came home and found out we had company.

( Click image to see it larger. )



A young mule deer doe. She got nervous about me and my camera, and went around to the front yard. It was at 5:00pm local time. - Usually they only visit at night, and poo in my back yard.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 7:41 pm
by Bullseye
Food must be getting scarce for her to venture out to forage during the daylight hours.


Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 9:11 pm
by charlesb
They hang out in town during the day, but usually they hide in a few vacant lots and friendly back yards. I have to go for walks now days for health reasons, and the railroad tracks is a favorite place to walk as I get to see deer fairly often that way.

I've only seen one pig in town, and that was close to downtown at night.

Riding back from a doctors appointment a week ago in the next town, I pulled the bike over to photograph roadside flowers and scared up two pronghorn antelope that were lying down close to the road. My camera was still in my pack, so I didn't get a picture of them. They scooted as soon as I pulled up.

Best of all was a truly enormous bull elk I saw about sixty miles east of here at night, as I was moving from the lower Rio Grande Valley. He was climbing an embankment by the highway, I guess he had just crossed when I came up. That was the largest critter I have ever seen in the wild.

80% of the rainfall here occurs in the summer, but so far there hasn't been much rain yet so the animals are in town a lot, looking for something green.

I've been thinking of putting a water pan and a salt block in the back yard, I'd probably get to see a lot more of them that way.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 7:38 pm
by Coach1
Very cool, Charles. In my neighborhood I get to see the usual yard critters and an occasional deer wandering along the greenway.

What is that mountain / peak we see out your front door?
(thanks for sharing)

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 10:19 am
by blue68f100
All I see at my place is birds and tree rats. Once in awhile I see a cot in the front yard.

At my dad's place in the country you see lots of wild life. Some desirable some not so. coons, armadillos, wood ducks, deer, possums, and lots of birds, wild hogs.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 10:23 am
by greener
Nice photos and "yard".

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 9:33 am
by blue68f100
I had a large skunk wondering about the back yard yesterday. So I stayed in side not to spook it. It was too far off for me to make a clean shot at it, ~90yrds. So I let it be till it left 45min later.

Posted: Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:50 pm
by charlesb
Today we saw a little spike buck wandering around across the street, in the neighbors front yard. He finally ambled down the street toward a large vacant lot where they like to hang out.

I don't know the name of the mountain in the photo, there are only a few of them that I know the names for. The town is situated in a bowl-shaped valley and there are mountains in all directions. Several ranges intersect here, the Davis mountains, the Glass mountains and a few more.

The mountain looks cone-shaped, but really it has a long ridge and is shaped more like a pup-tent. From my place, we are looking at one end of it.

My yard only gets mowed a couple of times a year. Even so, there are patches of bare dirt where I mowed too much. My neighbor across the street pays over 350 a month on water bills so they can have a bit of green grass and a few hardwood trees that look scrawny and out of place, here in the high desert. The deer are in town looking for places that have been watered, with green stuff to eat. Evergreen trees do well, but half of the hardwoods in town are either dead, or might as well be. I have junipers in my front yard... Give them a pinch, and it smells like Tanqueray gin.