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Carrying a gun in your car

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 11:05 am
by Hakaman
I have been wanting to mount a holster in my car, one that locks the gun into
it where it would be possible leave it there while going into a non-carry location (bank, etc).
I am trying to find Michigan laws pertaining to this, but having difficulty. Is it ok, while driving,
to set the gun on the passenger seat, between the console and seat, as long as it is in my control?
Imagine a scenario of a person going on a camping trip for five days, and wanting to take their carry
piece with them for SD. There will be times when it is not within the law to carry on their person
and need a place to stow the gun. Can a hidden holster with a gun lock be sufficient? What are
some options for safe/legal carry, off the person, for your automobile?

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:19 pm
by ruger22
I have the larger GunVault NanoVault:

There are similar ones made under lots of brand names. Reviews of some warn that the foam lining smells bad! Mine doesn't.

I just wind the cable around the seat frame with the box under the seat. Not accessible, but reasonably secure while you're away from a car. Could also be handy in a motel room, to stop a quick grab of personal items.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:16 pm
by bgreenea3
On the passenger seat is ok... . But your roscoe will end up on the floorboard in a quick stop. A briefcase is a better option. ... a lock box is a viable and legal option, you can bolt one to the back of one of the seats (back seat of a sedan that would fold up into the trunk would be perfect.)

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:25 pm
by charlesb
It all depends upon where you live.

In Texas, a loaded handgun may be kept in the vehicle as long as it is not visible to somebody peering through a window. You are also protected while carrying the handgun from your residence to the car - and back.

A console or a glove-box is most popular. Just throwing a towel over a handgun laying in a seat may not suffice, as the gun can be identified by its outline. If any part of the handgun is visible, that's no good. It must be out of sight.

I would never leave a handgun laying in the seat, or any unsecured location. - If you bumped into another vehicle or hit the brakes hard it could go flying, maybe accidentally discharge or wind up under the seat where you don't have access.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 5:42 pm
by Hakaman
If I leave the gun in a lock box, does it have to be unloaded? Say, when I am away from my vehicle for 5 hours or so.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 6:47 pm
by Hakaman
Hi Joe (FFL),
I wanted to safely carry my handgun, off my person, in a car, yet still have access to it when the situation arises. I have a few questions for you, if you would please answer:
1) Can I have my HG between the seat and the console while driving?
2) While driving, can I have my HG stowed in a holster mounted on the dashboard?
3) What is a legal method of leaving my HG in my locked car while I am doing another activity where I can not legally carry my HG?
4) Similar to question #3, Can I stow my HG, leagally, in a device like this, car gun safe under the seat, while leaving it an unattended locked car?

Hakaman (CPL),
A loaded gun must be in your direct control so answers to 1 & 2 are yes. Open carry is allowed but only those with CPL's may openly carry in a vehicle.

Answers to 3 & 4 are the gun needs to be unloaded. The vehicle provided the "lock" until such time it is back in motion so you could just leave it out of sight anywhere. Having said that, if stowed for long periods or where you will not be able to see the vehicle, I suggest a gun safe mounted in the vehicle. That way if a break-in occurs, you may not loose the gun and all the hassles involved post theft.

Examples, if I'm running into the post office, gun under the seat. Most likely it's a few minutes in and out. Going downtown to a ball game, unloaded lock in a compartment or safe ( best solution).

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:22 pm
by bearandoldman
Haka, you worry too much about being legal, the bad guys do damn near anything they want and then some.

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:23 pm
by Hakaman
bearandoldman wrote:Haka, you worry too much about being legal, the bad guys do damn near anything they want and then some.

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 11:29 am
by ruger22
bearandoldman wrote:Haka, you worry too much about being legal, the bad guys do damn near anything they want and then some.
But the bad guys are used to going to jail........ :D

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 3:02 pm
by blue68f100
I don't know what the laws are for Michigan. But here in TX we can legally carry a gun in a car without CCL. The gun can not be visible from any view. And if pulled over you must inform the officer when asked. If you have a CCL the gun must only be accessible by the holder only before the car law was passed. A friend of mine is using a strong magnet mounted under the dash/steering column. It is on the left side of the column. There are stipulations of course pertaining to alcohol and medications of course.

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 5:16 pm
by Hakaman
This is what I bought from Midway, I had $20 Midway bucks to use, so after shipping, it only cost $20. I can use it for other things as well.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:30 am
by Hakaman
This q and a was taken off the MCRGO (Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners)

Q: When I go to somewhere that is a "No carry zone" I store my pistol locked in a "Center of Mass Safe" attached under my car seat in my locked vehicle. Is it legal to store it loaded that way or do I need to unload it? My concern is that the more "stuff" you have to do when storing the gun...the more chance that someone passing by will see/wonder what you are doing.
A: The law does not specifically require that your gun be unloaded in these situations. As long as your gun is reasonably safe and secure, it is highly unlikely that you'll be faced with any legal issues regarding storage. I am encouraged by the fact that your question reveals an awareness of the issues that can arise when a member of the public sees your gun and calls it in to law enforcement. I think that all of us with CPL licenses should take steps to try to prevent being the subject of the "man/woman with a gun" call. At best, such calls waste everyone's time. At worst, they can end in tragedy. I applaud your awareness of the potential issues and the fact that you have installed a safe in your vehicle.

Q: I am a MCRGO member. I have a concealed pistol permit (CPL). In the car I frequently stash a pistol out of sight next to me in the car. If I am stopped by the police will I be penalized for not having it unloaded, encased and stashed in the back? I do have a lock box in the back to use if I am gone from the car. This may not satisfy the encased requirement since it is not a gun case, and, do I have to unload it when I leave it in the car?

A: If you have a CPL there are no rules on how you must transport it. Do what ever you want. IF you have a CPL, the gun can be loaded. That is the entire purpose of the CPL. You do not have to unload it when you leave it in the car but putting it the lock box would be a good idea.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:39 pm
by bgreenea3
Michigan law considers a weapon concealed once it enters a vehicle. And there is no rules on how to carry it.